Organizational Patterns Exercise and Listening Response
This will be a two (2) part discussion. The first part will be your original response that will deal with Chapter 9 and organizing the ideas of your speech. The second portion will be where you respond to your classmates and will deal with Chapter 3 and Listening. Be sure to complete both portions in order to receive full credit.
Chapter 9 of your textbook talks about organizing the ideas of your speeches in one of 5 possible organizational patterns: Chronological (following a time pattern), Spatial (following a directional pattern), Causal Order (showing a cause and effect), Problem-Solution, and Topical (broken down into logical and consistent subtopics).
It is entirely possible to take the same speech topic and organize it in any of the 5 possible options. For example let’s say I’m doing a speech about Pablo Picasso. My three main points are: I. As a painter, Picasso tested the limits of abstraction. II. As a sculptor, Picasso often incorporated “found” objects. III. As a printmaker, Picasso gave vent to his whimsy and eroticism. This speech is organized in Topical Order – it doesn’t follow a time pattern (chronological), it doesn’t follow a directional pattern (spatial order), there’s no cause and effect, and there’s no problem or solution, so it’s topical. However, could I take this same speech and organize in Chronological order? How would you do that? Could I put it in Spatial order? How? Causal order? Problem-solution? How?
If you answered that yes you could in fact put that speech into each of those other organizational patterns, you are absolutely correct. To put it into Chronological order you simply talk about what he did first, then second, then third. To put this speech in Spatial order you would organize the points by what he did in different locations. For Causal order you could possibly discuss what caused him to use each of those different mediums of expression. Finally, you could put the topic into Problem-solution order if you could discover that maybe he used a certain medium to solve some problem he came across.
Part One: Respond to this Discussion and compose a specific purpose statement for each of the five basic organizational patterns below (you do not need to write a central idea or the main points, just the specific purpose). Use the same broad topic, but narrow it as you like for each pattern. See guidelines for writing specific purpose statements and examples in your textbook on page 83. The topic you should use is: Ivy Tech Community College.
1. Chronological Order (Time Pattern)
2. Spatial Order (Directional Pattern)
3. Causal Order (Cause and Effect Relationship)
4. Problem-Solution Order (Problem and Workable Solution)
5. Topical Order (2-5 Subtopics, Types, Formats, Ways, Advantages, Reasons, etc.)
Part Two: Responding to two of your classmates will work a little differently in this module. Rather than commenting on what your peer posted in their original response as you have been doing, we are going to shift gears. In your response this time you will:
· Offer your classmate one of the suggestions given in your text book in Chapter 3 for becoming a better listener
· State why you think this suggestion is important
· Finally, give an example of how you think this suggestion could be implemented in real life.
You will still need to respond to two classmates and you should offer each a different suggestion.
Note: What your classmates suggest to you is in no way a comment on something you’re doing wrong. This is simply an exercise to encourage discussion among you all and to get you thinking about the content from the textbook.
Read chapters 3 (Listening) and 9 (Organizing Ideas) in your textbook.
You can supplement your reading with the interactive PowerPoints below.
Chapter 3 Interactive PowerPoint (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Chapter 9 Interactive Powerpoint (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Read through the assignment guidelines for the Process Speech. This assignment is not due until Module 6 but you should start thinking about this assignment now.
Discussion 3 M03: Step 5 — Discussion Board #2 for Chapter 2
Find Examples of Psychology Ideas or Subjects in Media (Internet, TV, Movies, Books, Magazines, Newspapers and other materials
1. Find an example of what you have learned in Chapter 2 in any form of media.
2. In the discussion board, share that example and describe how it demonstrates the psychology that you learned (400 words at least).
3. Use supporting articles and materials as needed. ALWAYS use references and citations when using such articles and materials.
4. Respond to two other discussion posts in a thoughtful way (100 words minimum)
Attached are the PowerPoint presentation and the study guide for chapter 2.
· king_exp3e_ch02.pptx(in the third attachment)
· Ch 02 Study Guide.docx. (in the second attachment)
Discussion 4
M03: Discussion Board – Resistant Measures
Create a small dataset of at least 5 observations and calculate the mean, median, mode, range, IQR and standard deviation (use Excel or StatCrunch). Add an outlier to your data and recalculate these measures. Which changed and by how much? Explain how this illustrates the idea of resistant measures. Please provide the data that you made up and the measures for your data before and after you added an outlier. Organizing the data into a table would be a great way to display all of this information.
Discussion 5
M04: Discussion Board – Correlation vs. Causation
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Explain in your own words the difference between correlation and causation. Find an example of two things that are highly correlated (linearly) but do not have a causal relationship. Explain how this is possible and identify at least one reason that this relationship exists.
The Khan Academy video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. on this topic will be helpful to watch before answer.